The Basics Of The Continuous Drum Mixing Plant

When you need a mixing plant you can count on, you might want to invest in the continuous drum mixing plant. This plant is always running and doesn’t need downtime which means you get the most for your money. You don’t have to worry about stopping production and you can get so much done with this plant.

High efficiency

The continuous drum-mix asphalt plant is always working for you and always making you money. This plant is easy to use and it has a strong and reliable motor. The drum plant mixes many different kinds of concrete quickly.

ALT60 asphalt drum plant
ALT60 asphalt drum plant

You can make any type of concrete you need with this plant and it is very easy to set up and use. This plant is affordable and it works great. The drum features a special double insulated chamber which makes it easy to keep the heat in. This chamber also creates a comfortable working environment.

The double drum ensures that you don’t have to spend as much money on running the plant since the heat stays in. Your energy bills are going to go down when you use this plant. The plant also has simple controls that make it easy to raise or lower the temperature. The plant is very easy to use.

Another feature of the continuous drum mixing plant is the strong blades in the drying drum. The mix will be evenly mixed and the blades are designed to stay sharp for a long period of time.

Easy to operate

The drum plant also has a very reliable coal burner. The coal burner rotates automatically. The temperature is automatically controlled as well so you don’t have worry about trying to change the temperature. The ignition system is also automatic which makes it easy to turn on. The automatic ignition system ensures that the system is going to be safe and reliable.


The mixing system allows you to mix any type of concrete or asphalt. The paddles are made with a strong metal that isn’t going to warp. This means that the machine can run for a long amount of time without needing any work.

The mixing cylinder has two shafts and this allows the plant to mix the asphalt quickly and evenly. This machine is a hard-working machine and it will get the job done with ease. If you need to invest in a machine that is going to work hard for you it is going to be important that you choose this plant.

The right plant is going to be easy to use and it is also going to be effective. When you choose this plant you get more done and you don’t have to worry so much about problems. The best plant will be affordable and it will give you everything you need to get things done. When you are looking for one of these plants take your time and make sure that you end up choosing the plant that is going to help you get the most done. The right plant will be affordable.