Methods To Look For Top-Rated Concrete Block Machine Manufacturers Overseas

When it comes to investing in a concrete block machine to start your own brick making business, the importance of choosing the right machine model and supplier should not be underestimated. There are lots of suppliers online advertising block making machines for sale, but not every supplier is going to provide you with the best product and services.

Do research about manufacturers

You need to take time to research and evaluate concrete brick machines from multiple produsen mesin blok beton to ensure you choose a model that will be able to fulfill the production needs of your business. For example, if you are looking to start a production line manufacturing over 10,000 bricks per day, there is no point buying a manual hydraulic brick machine with limited hourly output capacity. To benefit from the highest rate of brick production, you need to explore the fully automatic block making machine market. The great thing about highly automated machines is that they only require a small workforce for operation, so you can potentially save a small fortune on labor costs.

ABM-12S concrete brick making machine
ABM-12S concrete brick making machine

Perhaps one of the most frustrating things about searching for fly ash brick machines online is that very few websites publish any guide prices. Instead, you have to hubungi pemasok mesin pembuat blok beton yang berbeda and as for a quote for the model you are interested in. This can make comparing machines by price more time-consuming. Fortunately, most suppliers reply to all price quote requests within 24 hours with many responding within minutes.

Factors affect the price

The reality is that there are a lot of factors that can influence the price of a machine. Different machines can be arranged in different configurations with various add-on modules depending on the brick production requirements of your business, as well as space limitations, and this can make getting exact costs difficult. That said, it is often not a good idea to compare different brick making machines based on price alone as there are lots of other features and characteristics that contribute to the value of a machine.


In general, it is best to buy brick making machines from suppliers that can guarantee fast delivery. If you are ready to start brick production today, you don’t want to find yourself waiting several weeks or months for delivery. While overseas suppliers may have slighter longer delivery times due to the distances involved and customs checks, expediated global shipping services are available. The improved speed of global cargo ship routes in recent years has made brick making machine suppliers in China more popular with international customers than ever.

In addition to looking a machine features, harga mesin pembuat blok beton otomatis, and supplier delivery times, you also need to take supplier after-sales services into account when shopping for the best concrete brick machine. Some suppliers, for example, offer free installation services, which can be beneficial if you are new to the brick making industry and don’t have a lot of experience with industrial machinery. Other suppliers might offer extended warranties on parts or free annual service checks. After-sales service is often what sets good suppliers apart.