Types Of Concrete Batching Plants In Pakistan

If you have a company that wants to purchase concrete batching plants, but you are stuck and do not know where to start looking, then this is the article for you. They are classified into two types, which include the mobile and the stationary type. For you to know what kind of concrete batching plant that you require, you must be aware of your construction situation. Otherwise, you cannot choose blindly if you want a pump that will give you results. Ensure that you look for a company that is renowned for manufacturing batching plants with high quality. If you get a company that will be able to customize a concrete batching plant for it to meet your requirements, you will be in luck. No one loves rigidity; hence being able to bend the routine for a customer will have you stuck on one manufacturer. Remember that you will be paying a lot of money; thus, the machine should match its price tag. The points that follow show the list of concrete batching plants in Pakistan.


AJ-50 Concrete Batching Plant.

It is used in building ports, expressways, and buildings too. For it to work efficiently, the JS1000 concrete mixer is endorsed. It mixes concrete in 45 seconds. The JS1000 concrete mixer comes with a patented mixer shaft which cancels out leakages. This is because its ability to seal is impressive. If you think that operating it will be rocket science, you are wrong. It is very easy to operate, although it requires the one who will be handling it to be computer literate. The computer in use will be equipped with the batching and weighing system as well as the automatic control. For this reason, it will perform accurately; there will be no doubts whatsoever. The batching system has features like a powerful control function, and it has bins that are based on the clients’ needs.


AJ-25 Hopper Concrete Batching Plant.

Like the AJ-50 concrete batching plant, it mixes concrete within 45 seconds; hence it is highly efficient. It can produce up to 30000 cubes of concrete. An AJ-25 is manufactured in a small size so that it can meet the production location without too much struggle. This batching plant can be maintained easily since there is a warehouse in Pakistan, which you can contact if you are experiencing any challenges whatsoever. They will not charge you highly. The AJ-25 concrete batching plant uses famous brand electric components that include Chint and Dell, Schneider, and lastly, Weidmuller. These components ensure that they are of high quality. The automatic control system makes operating the AJ-25 very easy since it can be controlled by a computer wholly. It consists of five vital systems that include the conveyor system, storage system, the control, and mixing system as well as the weighing system. The main part of this silo batching plant is the mixing system. It is equipped with the JS500, which makes mixing of both dry and hard concrete an easy task.

The above points show a few of the concrete batching plants that are in Pakistan.