The Advantages Of Buying A Stationary Asphalt Mixing Plant For Your Business

Even though there are mobile asphalt mixing plants available, you may want to consider going with a stationary model instead. Although portable models offer more versatility in terms of where they can be used, stationary asphalt mixing plants (стационарные асфальтобетонные заводы) also provide a number of benefits.

Stationary Asphalt Mixing Plant
Stationary Asphalt Mixing Plant For Sale

For one thing, they usually have a higher production capacity. Since they don’t need to be moved around, they can be much larger than their mobile counterparts. That means that they are almost always capable of producing larger volumes of asphalt.

Their large capacity makes them ideal for high-production scenarios. For instance, if the plant serves a densely populated urban area, it needs to be capable of producing large amounts of asphalt on a daily basis to meet the demands of local customers. In this case, going with a stationary plant makes far more sense than going with a mobile plant.

The process of operating one of these plants is also usually a lot more efficient. The raw materials can be stored on-site, meaning that they are readily available. As a result, the mixing process (процесс смешивания асфальта) can be started right away without having to wait for the materials to arrive. This makes producing asphalt as fast and easy as possible.

Asphalt plants like these usually provide extremely consistent mixes. In a stationary environment like this, a single operator is usually responsible for running the machine. That means that the same person is always in charge of the mix, which can lead to greater consistency.

Stationary Asphalt Mixing Plant Price
China Stationary Asphalt Mixing Plant For Sale

Similarly, the same equipment is used to create each batch, which can also improve consistency. In contrast, mobile batching plants need to be recalibrated every time they are set up. If there are even minor differences in the way the equipment is calibrated, it can alter the makeup of the finished asphalt. Overall, the consistency between batches is far greater when you use a stationary plant.

Since the plant is used in the same place all the time, dealing with licensing is far easier than with a mobile plant. Once you obtain the necessary licenses and permits for the location, it is simply a matter of keeping them up-to-date. With a mobile plant, you may need to jump through a lot more hoops to get the necessary permits to use it since it isn’t used in the same location every time. If you decide to buy a stationary asphalt mixing plant, Aimix Group is a good choice.

Stationary asphalt mixing plants are usually designed to minimize both air pollution and noise pollution. This helps reduce their impact on the neighborhoods where they are installed.

There are a lot of great reasons to consider buying a stationary asphalt mixing plant for your business. These plants offer a lot of unique advantages when compared to their mobile counterparts. Their production capacity is usually much higher. That makes them ideal for areas where there is a lot of demand for asphalt.

In most cases, they are designed to reduce air and noise pollution as much as possible, allowing them to seamlessly integrate into the neighborhoods where they are placed. Finally, the fact that they are always used in the same place allows them to provide extremely consistent results. Learn more: