How To Choose The Best Concrete Block Machine For Sale

Choosing the best concrete block making machine for sale is a matter of comparing your production needs with the offer available on the market. If you want to make the best purchase available, you have to ensure your new machine can deliver the required number of concrete blocks per day, without any compromise on the quality of these bricks.

ABM-4S concrete block manufacturing machineSeek for manufacturers

When shopping around for such equipment, it’s good to keep an open mind and seek concrete block making machine suppliers outside your local market. China and Pakistan are two huge markets for industrial equipment and machines, so they are well worth exploring. While you are at it, consider searching directly within global marketplaces such as Alibaba and AliExpress, as they can help you speed up the process. Anyway, you can also follow the traditional route of using a search engine and then check out the top results, one by one, until you find a few reliable companies.

Consider the service

Going for an established brand is the best way to ensure you’re going to get a high-quality small concrete block machine and dependable services. When it comes to production equipment, after-sales services are of utmost importance, as they will have a direct influence on your ability to fulfill your customers’ orders. Fortunately, Alibaba has a reliable seller rating system. This allows you to see at a glance how good a company is and how happy its customers are. Always choose businesses with lots of raving reviews and with high seller ratings.

concrete blocksConsider technical features and capabilities

The technical features and the capabilities of the different machines on the market can also make a difference. If you want a high production efficiency, you should seek to buy a fully automatic concrete block making machine, capable of making minimum of 100,000 blocks per hour. Such machines have relatively short shaping cycles. In addition, they are easy to operate. To give you only one example, a machine featuring a 15s shaping cycle can make 110,000 bricks per hour. This productivity rate should allow you to fulfill large client orders. If you don’t need this kind of power, you can choose a less expensive machine. You can even start very small by acquiring a manual block making machine that wouldn’t cost you more than $1,000 US. Keep in mind, though, that you may have to buy a more powerful one as soon as your business starts to grow.

In terms of production versatility, you may want to invest in a machine that allows for the changing of the molds. Also, you may want to find someone who can design your own molds, in order to create custom blocks and stand apart from the crowd with your unique product. A strong point of difference is the shortest way to success, particularly on busy markets with fierce competition.

ABM-4SE concrete brick machineChoosing a winner is easy, provided that you’ve done your homework. Ideally, you should ask at least three manufacturers for a cost estimate. After you get your quotes, compare them side by side, paying attention to all the above-mentioned details. Also, use an Escrow system for the payments.