What Is A Concrete Mixer And Pump Price

Are you on the market for a concrete mixer and pump, but not sure how much you will pay? There are many factors that will determine the price of a concrete mixer and pump. If you want to find out what a few of those factors are, then continue to read on.

Make & Model

The make and model of a concrete mixer and pump for sale is the main thing that affects price. Generally speaking, the name brands do charge more than the lesser known brands, but you want to compare as many makes and models as possible. Don’t forget to read reviews on both name brand manufacturers and lesser known ones because you never know what kind of deal you’ll find, both on known makes/models and lesser known makes/models.

Here’s a tip, size, capacity and special features also all factor into price. The more features and workload equipment has, the more it will cost. It’s up to you to decide whether or not it’s worth paying for.

concrete mixer and pump
concrete mixer and pump

Where You Buy It From

Where you buy the equipment from plays a major role in price. Some companies charge far more for the same make and model than other companies. This is why you want to take a look at 3-4 sellers, and see what they offer and how much they are selling their mixer pumps for. Some companies offer discounts and have sales going on regularly, which means you can save a significant amount of money.

concrete mixer pump machine
concrete mixer pump machine

Used Or New

Another main thing that can affect the price of a mixing pump is whether it’s new or used. Used equipment typically costs less upfront than newer equipment, but used pumps might more maintenance performed on them. In the long run, maintaining them and repairing them might cost you far more than it would if you invested in a new mixer and pump.

Newer concrete mixer and pumps do usually cost more upfront. However, they are usually more affordable in the long run and they are more durable. This is why it might be worth getting a new concrete mixer and pump than getting a used one.

electric engine mixer pump
electric engine mixer pump


Another price factor is shipping and handling. Depending on who you order the concrete mixer and pump from and where you’re located, shipping costs might be a small amount or a large amount. There are several factors that come into play when it comes to how much you’ll pay for shipping.

It’s worth noting that there are many places that sell concrete mixer and pumps and include shipping for free. It might be worth buying from a company or person that offers free shipping. This will help you save a bit of money on it. If you want to learn more information about saving cost, you can click here, https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/concrete-mixer-pump-sale-philippines/.

The key to saving money on a mixer and pump is to shop around. Now that you know what factors into price, you should be more equipped to find them at good prices. Go ahead and compare as many as possible and then decide which concrete mixer and pump you should buy.